We are given to a God so Great!
Only he has the power to let the sun shine;
or moon glow in the night sky.
We are given to a God so Beautiful!
He lets the mountains and the seas reflect his own beauty.
He creates the beauty in the stars, and the twinkle
and little kids eyes.
We are blessed with a God So Powerful!
He has the power to crush us all with one swipe of his hand.
But he doesn't.
He Loves us.
He delights in everyone of his children.
How wonderful is his love for us!
How amazing is his precense.
I can feel him in this very room.
He makes my hands shiver;
giving me goose bumbs.
That weird fuzzy feeling;
best "high" in the world.
Too bad most people don't know that.
Thats where I come in.
I want to go to the end of the Earth!
Send ME!
I will stand up for my king!
Thats the least I can do for a God so wonderful and Great.
Friday, March 31, 2006
We are Trully Blessed!
Posted by
4:32 PM
Thursday, March 30, 2006
You Make Me Whole
Count the stars in the sky.
Reach to the heavens.
His ever breathing light shines on our paths;
helping us face our many demons.
Look into the night, though the mountains are dark and the skies are gloomy;
we are surrounded by a power so great!
In you father I am whole.
Like the birds trace the wind of the seasons:
I will follow you.
In your word I am great; I AM STRONG!
The winds move with a sense of grace; swirling through my hair.
In them I hear your voice; reaching out to me.
Engulfing my mind in your presence;
Searching for something to make new again.
You restore my light; you power my soul!
You make me whole.
Your wisdom is never failing; evil trembles with the sound of your voice.
So I shout, Lord! You are mine and I am Yours, I give you my all.
Make me new; so I may dwell among your presence for the rest of my days.
Posted by
7:28 PM
Tuesday, March 28, 2006
Church stuff
Today was quite an interesting day. My mom got an email from my Aunt Jenn who lives in Texas and boy was it surprising. It was an interview about the recent shooting of a Church of Christ preacher. The interviewer interviewed a Baptist preacher, bringing up the church of Christ church itself. It was basically an all over attack on our part. It kinda made me mad just a little bit. I mean do any of us really have the right to judge anybody else? Does anyone have the right to say your wrong? Isn't that Jesus's job? So why are so many people at each other's throghts about doctrine and what's right and what's wrong.
You know I may not know any thing, after all I'm "just a teenager" as some older or "wiser" people would argue we don't know anything. But I think we get caught up in all of that and bypass our our purpose, what God wants from us. I mean really what good is going to come from bickering about a little hand clapping in service going to do for anyone. I just get sick of it. For instance, one night me and some friends got on the subject of some of this at church and I said something and they were like SHHH! the door is open! Like someone was going to persecute us for it. It really is ridiculous. That kind of upset me, because I know that's not what God would want from us. Not at all. Why can't people just put up with little things that really doesn't matter and get along. Sacrifice just a little. Anyway, to end things on a more positive note,
I'll have some poetry to post on here later, I love poetry! :) But that's all for now...It's getting late and I have reading to do(again). So Have a WONDERFUL JUDGE FREE DAY!!!! " ;)
God Bless!, Kayleigh
Posted by
7:55 PM
Sunday, March 26, 2006
alittle bit about me
Right now, in about two hours, it will officially be spring break. Some people on their way to exciting places...Me? I'm sitting at home...newly discovering the world of the BLOG. It kinda makes me laugh actually. Wow. anyway... so what do you write in these things? is what I am trying to figure out. Do you discuss "worldly Matters" or go into great detail about your past life? hmmmmm... well lets just start here. Who am I?
I'm Kayleigh. My passions in life are... number one would be my faith. I am a Christian and I am not afraid to say so. I love art, music, photography, performing arts, being with family and friends and so many other things.
I plan on becoming an art therapist in my future. Iv'e always known I wanted to be n Art Therapist but now I'm discovering a whole other side to it. I want to(some how, I'm not sure how to add these together yet but I WILL figure it out) combine Art Therapy with some form of missions work. What better way to serve God and live my life than to branch out of my everyday "bubble" and help people come to know Christ? I see no other way. I know God is leading me in this direction and I really hope he explains it soon because It's starting to become a bit confusing.
Well, it's getting late and I have some reading to do so I will write more later!
Kayleigh ;)
Posted by
7:48 PM
New at this!
This is my first ost on my first blog and I really have no clue what I'm doing. But here goes.
I decided to join because I wanted to post a comment, not wanting a blog but know I have one. Who knows what will come of this. Maybe it will lead to something of great inspiration, maybe this will be my new enjoyment for a while to come...that is untill something else interesting comes along. Well maybe you will hear more of me and maybe you wont! Untill next time,
Posted by
7:08 PM