I was reading an article today, finding something interesting to end my boredom. An interesting point caught my attention and got me to thinking. The article was titled "Undivided Worship" by Susie Shellenberger. It was talking about our worship, and how even the most moving songs, we think, are really questionable on who they are focused on.
Read the lyrics to this song:
"I want to know You; I want to hear Your voice
I want to know You more.I want to touch You;
I want to see Your face, I want to know You more."
Now does that seem a bit weird? If not read it again. It seems as if we are romanticizing God. Instead of truly worshiping him with all our hearts, we seem as if we could be singing to some boyfriend of ours. Which questions what our minds are really focused on. It doesn't mean they are wrong, it just seems a bit under-classifying God. It is like we are putting him on the same level as a friend in our 1st period class, when he is our maker, our savior. The one who created us all!
But take a look at these lyrics:
Then sings my soul, my Savior God to Thee;
How great Thou art! How great Thou art!
There is no question what so ever who we are singing to. All the focus is on the greatness of God, his power, his mighty Grace!
This is just something to think about. I just really thought it was interesting, that we could actually Romanticize God, and not even realize it. I hadn't ever really thought about this before, but it is certainly true. God wants our all when we worship. I truly believe that when you worship, you have to give your all, 100%, no holding back what-so-ever, to feel the spirit of God upon you. If he is urging you to close your eyes and become closer to him, then you need to do just that. If he urges you to lift you hands, or clap, then don't hold back! Give him all you've got, and don't be afraid of what others are thinking, because they don't have your life in their hands. I really believe that he sees that, and he fills you with his spirit when you give you all, 100%. And it is so beautiful!
God Bless,
Friday, November 24, 2006
Worship or Romance?
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8:30 PM
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That is SO true Kayleigh! There are so many nuetral songs that don't state who they are really singing to. The song you mentioned, "In the Secret", is one of the top worship songs. I would be interested to know what the rest of the lyrics are.
Right you are, Kayleigh. The lyrics to many of today's "Christian" music artists do not convey what is supposed to be their message clearly or properly. I have heard and sung both of the songs and it is confusing at times to try and worship with the first one, but I love the second one!
Kayleigh-Thank you for writing such a great and timely post! The thing I take away from the lyrics is the "I want, I want, I want, I want" factor. We shouldn't be focused on what WE want but on our obedience to what HE commands and desires us to do. Keep talking about it!
-The Arkanblogger
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!!!! CHA CHA CHA! Hahaha...it's coming soon! You are so wonderful Kayleigh! HAPPY early BIRTHDAy TOOOOO YOOOOUUUUU!!! (and many more)
I enjoyed that. Very much.
I am glad! :)
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