All through our lives we hear about Jesus. He died for us, he was the ultimate sacrifice, he was perfect and loved everyone regardless. We see him as an image, as a poster on the wall with a bright and shiny glow around him. A beard and white robe smiling down on us. We see him all around us, but how much do we really know him personally? With this image, we often feel distant. We long for a relationship with him but sometimes we feel so confused on how we are supposed to reach through that shiny glow and actually find "Jesus", pure and simple.
In this thought I have a few questions for you. Who was he really? Who was this man/God who came down and died the most humiliating death. Was he 100% human? Was he 100% deity, or was he more 50/50. Or how about this one, did Jesus really know he was the son of God all his life, even from the time of birth. Was he completely unable to Sin, or did he have such amazing perfect self control that he resisted every temptation.
Your attitude concerning Jesus effects everything. Our relationship with him is centered on how we really view him. Can we really relate to him, or was he just a human "look alike".
In the first chapter of Mark, Jesus comes down from Galilee to be baptized by John the baptist. As soon as Jesus was baptized, the scripture says "he saw Heaven being torn open and the Spirit descending on him like a dove." A voice comes from heaven and it says " You are my son with whom I am well pleased." Did he first know of his purpose here, or did always have a idea.
These questions are so important for us to know if we truly want to understand and develop a relationship with him. Jesus is our ultimate savior, he died for us , he shed his blood but there are other things behind all of it, that show us how devoted he was to understanding us fully. It says in scripture that he didn't see equality with God something to be grasped. He went to the ultimate low for us, leaving all power behind. He made him self so vulnerable, coming into this world in the form of an infant. He put himself so low, so it would be fully possible to clear the greatest sins..lower than the grimiest criminals...he went there. He was spit on, abused, mocked, denied, he went through everything, somethings we will never go through. He died on a cross..about the most humiliating death possible. All so he can say he's been there, and he has earned the name above all, so he can argue our faults for us. He is arguing our case for us when we mess up...he knows.
There are somethings I long to know the answer did he ever get the urge to lust, or could he sin. If he was a teenage boy, what things did he go through? I do know that he withstood every temptation, never sinned once. Sometimes I think why can't we do that? We have all the resources that he had, sure we can not be perfect. We are always going to mess up, but if we strive for him every day, imagine how close we can get to him? Nothing is impossible with God. Jesus always urged his disciples to have faith...over and over they doubted and he asked them why do you have to ask, don't you know? Why do you have to doubt? If we had the faith to see our selves being like Jesus, we could do it. I believe he can give us the strength.
I will write more on this later, there is so much to contemplate!! He is amazing, i urge you to let him show you who he is. Try to fast for a few hours, he will really amaze you.
God bless!!
Sunday, March 04, 2007
How well do we really KNOW our Jesus?
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1:08 PM
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