Saturday, November 18, 2006


So today I went driving with my pepaw. It was actually not so bad. In fact I love it! I have been putting off the idea of getting out and learning how to drive for awhile now, so much that my family has started to think that I am scared to drive. They have this strange idea I have some phobia of driving which isn't so. So we went out on Redman Road, and he let me drive. I thought I was going to practice in a parking lot or something but no, I was on a actual road...cringe. It freaked me out at first but It was so fun, I actually got up to 40 miles an hour. I know that isn't fast, but for me who has never driven a car in my life, it is. I am very proud of I just have to study that retched test. sigh....




Paige said...

I am so glad to see you blogging again! Oh, never mind the is a work in progress. Driving is so fun! I actually find it relaxing. You know, you should go and comment on some random blogs. That is how we got more readers. And I do love leaving comments in random places :)

Love you lots and see you on Thanksgiving,


Arkanblogger Family said...

Kayleigh, just wanted to let you know, the reason you can't read the blog on my profile is because it is not fit for reading yet. We are not going to launch it until it has a post on it, and a few other things. We will make it available as soon as it is ready. Love you lots!


Caitlin said...

Kayleigh, so glad you are still alive and well! We would really miss you all at Thanksgiving if you had crashed and died;~) I am very nervous and tense when I drive, but still I have to learn. Have any tips on how to make it a joyful exerience? See you tomorrow!


Kayleigh said...

Oh, Driving is so wonderful! Just let the wheel steer you, relax and breath! THat will be my advice. I agree with Paige, it is so relaxing! :)

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